FennelConf 2020
Location: online
Time: 2021-01-02T22:00:00Z (Saturday @ 14:00 US Pacific)
This year FennelConf was an online session of show-and-tell. Talks were short 10-15 minute demos rather than full-length presentations.
- Jeremy Penner - Interactively Programming the Apple ][ with HoneyLisp ⏵

- Andrey Listopadov - Bringing Clojure's seq-mantics into Fennel with Cljlib ⏵

- Phil Hagelberg - Structural editing ⏵

- Ramsey Nasser - making some noise: integrating Fennel into the renoise digital audio workstation ⏵

- Jesse Wertheim - Working the internals: metadata manipulation and AST serialization ⏵

- Dan Kurtz - Fireverk ⏵

- Will Sinatra - toAPK -a fennel ⏵

Yes, FennelConf 2020 took place in 2021.