FennelConf 2021
Location: online
Time: 2021-12-11T18:00:00Z (Saturday @ 10:00 AM US Pacific)
This year FennelConf was an online session of show-and-tell where people could share what they'd been building in Fennel.
- Phil Hagelberg - Where we came from and where we are headed ⏵

- Matt Roelle - Indie Game Development in Fennel ⏵

- Andrey Listopadov - Condition System for the Fennel language and Lua Runtime ⏵

- Jeremy Penner - Building a sufficiently stupid compiler ⏵

- jgart - Configuring Vis with Fennel ⏵

- Will Sinatra - tktstlk ⏵

Special thanks to Amin Bandali for setting up the streaming and recording.